The computer lab at SSBS is equipped with computers and 50Mbps lease-line connection available to students, faculty members, and staff. Each computer is equipped with SigmaPlot and SPSS for statistical analysis. The computers are also equipped with EndNote, Grammarly, and Mendeley for scientific writing and Adobe Photoshop for creating scientific illustrations. All the computers are protected by CrowdStrike Antivirus. A password protected internet access is provided to the staff and students via Fortinet.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Position on the Committees |
1 | Dr. Anuradha Vaidya | Director | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Neetu Mishra | Professor | Member |
3 | Dr. Satyajeet Khare | Assistant Professor | Member |
4 | Mr. Anup Thakur | Administrator Officer | Member |
5 | Mr. Sankesh Chikane | Sr. Office Assistant | Member |
6 | Mr. Sameer Dhore | Sr. IT Support | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Item | Funding | Assigned/location |
1 | 86” 4k Newline RS86+ (RS Series) | ERASMUS | ND Classrooms |
2 | 86” 4k Newline RS86+ (RS Series) | ERASMUS | SSBS Conference Room |
3 | 86” 4k Newline RS86+ (RS Series) | ERASMUS | SSBS Passage |
4 | 86” 4k Newline RS86+ (RS Series) | ERASMUS | SSBS Lab No 9 |
5 | 86” 4k Newline RS86+ (RS Series) | ERASMUS | Computer Lan No.2 |
Sr. No. | Item | Funding | Assigned/location |
1 | Supermicro Server 7049P | SERB | Bioinformatics lab |
2 | Supermicro Workstation 7049A-T | SSBS | Bioinformatics lab |
3 | Supermicro Tower Workstation Intel Xeon E5 2620V4 | SSBS | Bioinformatics lab |
4 | Dell 3050 Optiplex Mini Tower, Ci7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD | SSBS | Bioinformatics lab |
Sr. No. | Item | Funding | Assigned/location |
1 | Dell/Acer/HP Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD X 20 | SSBS | Computer Facility |
2 | Dell/Acer/HP Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD X 10 | SSBS | SSBS faculty members |
3 | IMAC 24” BLUE/8C CPU-8C GPU Processor, RAM 8 GB, SDD 512 GB | Ramalinga Swami Fellowship | SSBS Faculty |
4 | Dell/Acer/HP Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD | SSBS | Assigned to Administrative Staff |
5 | Dell/Acer/HP Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD | SSBS | Assigned to Research Scholars |
6 | Dell/Acer/HP Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD | SSBS | Equipment Support |
7 | Dell/Acer Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD | SSBS | SCSCR Faculty Members |
8 | Dell/Acer Ci3, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD | SSBS | SCSCR Research Scholars |
9 | OptiPlex 3820, A/O, 13th Gen, 8 TB, 512 GB | SSBS | Assign to Teaching Staff |
10 | Dell OptiPlex 7410 A/O, 13th Gen, 8 TB, 512 SSD | SSBS | Computer Lab No. 2 |
Sr. No. | Item | Funding | Assigned/location |
1 | Dell / HP/ Mac Core i3 Laptop X 4 | SSBS | SSBS faculty |
2 | Dell / HP Core i3 Laptop X 1 | SSBS | SCSCR faculty |
3 | Dell / HP Core i3 Laptop X 1 | SSBS | SSBS research fellow |
4 | Dell / HP Core i3 Laptop X 1 | aaSSBS |
SSBS staff
5 | Microsoft Surface Laptop (Core i5, 10th Gen) X 4 | ERASMUS+ | SSBS staff/research scholars |
6 | Lenovo L480 Core i5 X 1 | DBT | SSBS faculty |
Sr. No. | Item | Funding | Assigned/location |
1 | Endnote V7 (Lifetime: license) | SSBS | Computer Lab |
2 | Grammarly | SSBS | SSBS |
3 | Sigma Plot V13/14 (Lifetime: license) X 2 | SSBS | Lab No 7 And Dr. Kale |
4 | Adobe Photoshop V 18.0.1 | SSBS | Lab No 7 |
Designation : Sr. IT Support
Qualification : Graduate
Experience : 5 years
Contact No.: 020-61936312